Arthritis Supplements and Remedies for Pets with Joint Pain

Arthritis Supplements and Remedies for Pets with Joint Pain

Like any member of our family, pet owners would do anything to take care of our pets. When your dog is at an advanced age, he or she may end up with arthritis. Symptoms of this disease typically include trouble walking, difficulty climbing stairs, limp legs, walking more slowly than usual, pain when standing or sitting, and a change in behavior. Arthritis is a serious condition that can cause even the happiest dogs to act more aggressively when they are in pain.

If you notice that your dog has any of these symptoms here are some supplements and remedies for treating arthritis in pets:

1. Glucosamine
Glucosamine is one of the best joint pain supplements for dogs who suffer from arthritis. It helps to reduce the amount of paint that your dog experiences by helping to reduce inflammation in the joints. This decrease in inflammation can help increase the amount of mobility in the joint. As the joint loosens up it can typically enhance movement and make everyday movements seem much easier. This is one of the best joint supplements for dogs with arthritis.

2. Chondroitin
If you are looking for other joint supplements for dogs with arthritis you can typically use chondroitin in addition to glucosamine. When chondroitin is paired with glucosamine it can actually promote joint repair. Rather than just minimizing pain these dog joint pain relief supplements can actually improve the condition. You should always consult your veterinarian before using any dog medication for joints.

3. Fish oils
One of the most natural ways to help relieve the pain associated with arthritis in both pets and humans is to use fish oil supplements. These supplements can help reduce inflammation of joints by supplying the body with omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are found in high amounts in fish oil. Taking fish oil supplements can help to lubricate the joints and increase your pet’s mobility. Not only is it beneficial, but they will typically enjoy the taste.

4. Massage
Another great and natural way to help relieve the common symptoms of arthritis in dogs is to massage the sore muscles and joints. You can lightly massage the areas that are causing pain. A light massage can help to reduce stress, help the dog and owner bond, and lower the blood pressure of both people. You can help alleviate their pain and they will appreciate it.

5. Hydrotherapy
If your dog enjoys the water this hydrotherapy treatment may be great for them. During this exercise, your dog is able to soak in warm water to help relieve pain. The warm water helps to loosen stiff muscles and reduce inflammation in the swollen joints. This warm water hydrotherapy acts a lot like a spa or hot tub does for humans. A simple soak that is also paired with light exercise can help increase the movement of the joints. If your dog is able to exercise and move their joints while in the water they may experience added benefits of this treatment option.