Benefits and Tax Breaks for Retirees
If you really want to see a silver lining, then retirement is one that comes with getting older. While other things in your life may slow down, one very big advantage that comes when you retire is the tax breaks. After all, the taxes that you have paid your whole life were dependent on your income when you were still working. Now, you can enjoy the tax breaks of a much lower income bracket when you’re retired. Here are some senior tax breaks for retirees that can help you look forward to retirement: 1. Standard deduction can be used to your advantage Once you get older, the most significant senior tax breaks for retirees is that you would not need to pay as many taxes on the income you generate. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) gives you a provision to opt for an additional standard deduction after you turn 65 years. For single filers, adding $1,600 is the way to go. For couples, the amount is $1300 per person. The only major criterion is that the claimant should be aged 65 years. Though, if you turn 65 years on January 1, December 31 too counts so you do not need to worry about waiting for one more year to claim these standard deductions.
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