Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are many early signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that can be observed weeks or months before the symptoms set in. These are signs and symptoms are directly related to the affected joints. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately, as early treatment often slows the overall progression of RA. This article lists the earliest warning signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA): 1. Fatigue One of the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis that would be observed first is fatigue. If you start feeling tired frequently and feel a general sense of malaise then it could be RA. You need to understand if there is any other reason for the fatigue, if not you need to probably see a doctor. 2. Fever RA leads to inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints. This inflammation can cause fever. The fever would usually be accompanied by fatigue. There could be many reasons for fever, but if it is occurring frequently, it could be RA. 3. Weight loss One of the various early signs of RA is weight loss. This loss of weight is unexplained and without any apparent reason. If you are not dieting or exercising and still losing weight and you observe any other early sign then it is time to see a doctor.
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Treatment for Common Symptoms of Peptic Ulcers

Treatment for Common Symptoms of Peptic Ulcers

Gastrointestinal pain, discomfort, gas, and a burning sensation indicate a stomach problem, which can often be ulcers or open wounds. There may be no symptoms if the condition is mild. But it can offset bleeding and cause a perforation or a blockage in the digestive system if the condition worsens. Considering the symptoms, causes, and complications of stomach ulcers, timely treatment becomes inevitable in several cases. Though it’s common to ignore the early warning signs of peptic ulcers, immediate attention is needed if symptoms last over a week or two. After diagnosing the severity of a peptic ulcer, depending on the symptoms experienced, your doctor will suggest a treatment accurate enough to address the condition. Most peptic ulcers can be treated by medication prescribed by your doctor. But, in serious cases, surgery and other advanced treatments may be required. It’s very important to treat stomach ulcers promptly to avoid developing further complications. There are some lifestyle changes and treatment options you should consider to successfully get rid of peptic ulcers. Some treatment options are mentioned below: Prescriptions A nonsurgical treatment involves prescriptions given by your doctor. These commonly include: Antibiotics: If you are infected by Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) bacterium present in your digestive tract, you may require antibiotics for a short-term course.
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Recipes That Can Soothe Migraine Pain

Recipes That Can Soothe Migraine Pain

While it is understandable that food and beverage consumption must be the last thing on a person’s mind when experiencing a migraine, it is often an essential aspect of recovery. Staying hydrated and eating at periodic intervals ensures that your symptoms don’t worsen. Migraine attacks are extremely debilitating and can often last up to days. If you do not have immediate family or friends you can depend on to help you through an attack, it is all the more important for you to take extra precautions. Here are a few recipes that can keep you hydrated and relieve symptoms of pain and nausea during an attack. You can keep them pinned onto places where you can see them easily, especially if you are already in the middle of a migraine attack. These recipes use ingredients rich in magnesium and vitamins to help ease the symptoms of the condition. Avoid gluten-rich food and also do not eat leftovers or old food that’s been in the fridge for some time during an attack: 1. Bean and barley soup Heat a little olive oil in a pan and add 1 large onion, a big stalk of celery, and 1 diced large carrot and cook for 5 minutes.
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How Exercise Helps Improve Multiple Sclerosis

How Exercise Helps Improve Multiple Sclerosis

One of the consistent pieces of advice given by doctors who treat multiple sclerosis patients is that it is essential to eat well and be physically active. Patients are also advised to know as much as possible about the condition. There are many types of MS and each with different symptoms. Being aware of the condition helps one understand more about what they need to do and what they must avoid. Being active is one mantra every MS patient needs to follow. Families, friends, and caregivers engage and interact with them as much as possible so they do not feel abandoned and burdensome. A solid support system also ensures the patient does not deal with the disease alone. Among the many ways to keep people with MS active, it has been observed that exercise helps them the most. Based on the studies conducted on the effect of exercise on MS patients, the benefits that have been observed are as follows: Improved strength, balance, and gait Improvement in bowel and bladder control Decreased fatigue Muscle contractures (limited joint motion) Reduced muscle tightness Improvement in mobility Improvement of symptoms of depression Reduced risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases The impact of exercise on a person with MS varies as it also depends on the person’s overall health condition and the severity of symptoms.
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Simple Lifestyle Changes That Help Manage ADHD

Simple Lifestyle Changes That Help Manage ADHD

Like with any illness, the fundamental ways to manage ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is reasonably simple. The basic criteria of good eating habits, proper sleep patterns, and a caring, safe environment at home, school, or at the workplace are key here. Listed below are a few lifestyle changes to manage ADHD effectively. Get started with these right away and see the quality of life improve, for you as a caretaker, and for your family member with ADHD. Start the day with a routine. Wake up at the same time every day. Perform the routine activities of brushing, bathing, dressing up, and getting ready for school or work, preferably in the same order daily. To carry out these tasks effortlessly, maintain your house organized in a simple, neat manner. Assign all the things in your home a specific place and place them back there after use. This will ensure an orderly practice that anyone, especially a person with ADHD, can follow. A healthy meal plan is important, for everyone, especially the family member with ADHD. Ensure meal preps are done in advance and nutritious natural fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, oils, dairy, and pulses are included in the food throughout the day.
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10 Natural ways to Manage Ulcerative Colitis with Lifestyle Changes

10 Natural ways to Manage Ulcerative Colitis with Lifestyle Changes

Ulcerative colitis is quite a common health condition affecting the large intestine, that is, the colon and rectum. Millions of people suffer from this chronic, inflammatory bowel disease. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis include nausea, diarrhea with an urgent sensation to pass bowel, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and cramps, anemia, and fatigue. While there is no cure for this illness in any field of medicine, lifestyle modifications can help manage it. Avoiding certain triggers can help reduce flare-ups, and including certain types of foods can bring about positive benefits. Here are 10 natural ways and lifestyle changes to manage ulcerative colitis: Maintain a food journal. Observe and note down which foods cause flare-ups and which ones help reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Refrain consuming the ones that trigger your condition, and include others that support this sensitive stomach condition. Incorporate probiotics like natural yogurt, kefir, and miso in the diet. Increased amounts of healthful bacteria from probiotics can neutralize the effects of harmful bacteria in the body that causes nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Additionally, probiotic supplements that contain lactobacillus too can be included to protect the lining of the gut. Add phytochemical-rich foods like apples, grapes, raspberries, cocoa, olive oil, and Indian gooseberries in your diet.
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Ovarian Cancer: Side-Effects of Main Treatments

Ovarian Cancer: Side-Effects of Main Treatments

Understanding the main treatments for ovarian cancer and the possible side-effects is vital for a patient to survive. All treatment decisions need to be taken following in-depth consultation with medical professionals. The main treatments for ovarian cancer are surgery and chemotherapy; so, it is only obvious that one should be prepared to deal with the possible complications and side-effects that may arise from these therapies. The main purpose of treating ovarian cancer with the following treatments is to eliminate all the cancer cells through debulking and there afterward provide adjuvant or additional treatment through chemotherapy or radiation: 1. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy has always been known to trigger side-effects. But, at the same time, the effects vary from one patient to another. While some only experience minor issues, others may go through a particularly hard time. The chemo medicines are meant to kill cancerous cells, and medicines these will attack cancer cells not only in the ovaries but everywhere else too. So, it is bound to cause far-reaching effects. While destroying the bad cells that are reproducing at abnormally high speeds, it also ends up destroying the noncancerous cells. This is why patients experience many complications like diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, hair loss, appetite loss, neuropathy, fatigue, short-term memory loss, and reduced sexual drive.
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Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors of Anemia

Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which patients lack adequate healthy red blood cells in order to transport essential oxygen to the bodily tissues. There are many types of anemia, each with their own cause, but having any type of anemia can make you feel tired and weak. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe. In this article we’ll outline the main types of anemia, the causes of each type, and the symptoms and risk factors that can lead to anemia development: 1. Iron deficiency anemia Causes: Deficiency in iron due to lack of iron in the food and the inability of the body to absorb iron well are primary causes of iron deficiency anemia, which is one of the main types of anemia. Loss of blood during menstruation and other conditions can lead to this condition. Symptoms: Fatigue, weakness and exhaustion, increased heart beat causing pain in the chest, feeling dizzy, appetite problem, weak nails, craving to eat ice or dirt, and nails that are brittle. Failure to treat this condition can lead to complications like heart problems and problems during childbirth and after. Risk factors: Women are more at risk because of blood loss during menstruation.
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Eye Infections – Symptoms and Prevention

Eye Infections – Symptoms and Prevention

Eye infections are diseases of the eye that are caused by viral, bacterial, or microbiological agents. While mostly non-fatal, some of them can progress to much more dangerous conditions if left untreated. Different types of eye infections are triggered by different causes and have different treatments. While some of the types of eye infections are quite common, while others are very rare. Common symptoms of the main types of eye infections Pain and discomfort Feeling that something is stuck inside or on the eye Itchy eyes Sensitivity to light Burning sensation Eyes that can not stop tearing up Small and painful lumps either under the eyelid or on the eyelashes Discharge coming out of the eyes Swollen and red eyelids Pink color inside the whites of eyes Blurry vision Here are some of the main types of eye infections explained along with their symptoms. Conjunctivitis: In this, the common symptoms are redness, itching, and discharge. When it is viral conjunctivitis, the discharge is mucous-like or watery, while in bacterial conjunctivitis it is white, green or yellow in color and much thicker. Keratitis: Here, the most common symptoms are itching, pain, and a feeling of some foreign object inside the eye, redness and small red lines inside the white of the eye, photosensitivity, yellow pus discharge when one wakes up, swollen eyelids, and involuntary blinking.
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A Guide To Understanding The Main Types Of Ulcers And Their Causes

A Guide To Understanding The Main Types Of Ulcers And Their Causes

An ulcer is a sore that doesn’t go away quickly or one that keeps coming back. It is often associated with pain and is one of the most common types of problems that people all over the world experience. An ulcer can be inside or outside your body. There are many types of ulcers, but there are 5 main types of ulcers that are most common in people; peptic ulcer, venous ulcer, genital ulcer, arterial ulcer, and mouth ulcer. Peptic ulcer Peptic ulcers are one of the most common types of ulcers. These are found inside your stomach lining, in your esophagus, or in the upper part of the small intestine. There are three types of peptic ulcers — duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, and esophageal ulcer. Peptic ulcers are caused due to damage to intestine walls or stomach walls due to digestive juices. If you take painkillers and have been infected with H. pylori then you are most likely to get a peptic ulcer. This is due to the inflammation that is caused that leads to the formation of a peptic ulcer. Venous ulcer A venous ulcer is one of the main types of ulcers. It generally affects the leg.
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