Why Diets are Critical for Lowering Blood Pressure

Why Diets are Critical for Lowering Blood Pressure

While you may have been given medication to keep your blood pressure in check, you also need to implement significant food changes to your diet for better health in the long run. Most of the clogging of the arteries is caused due to the cholesterol buildup from the food that you consume. It may be a question to you as to how diet changes can impact your blood pressure. It has been proven that food does impact your blood pressure levels to a dramatic extent. One of the primary culprits that you will be warned about when you want the best diet tips for lowering blood cholesterol is salt. You need to find a good balance of foods such as nuts, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, low-fat dairy foods, unsaturated fats, etc., to get the required nutrients for boosting your overall health in the long run. Following a diet to lower blood pressure is not just about sticking to one magic food that will keep everything in check, but it is about making serious lifestyle changes and adopting a diet with the right ingredients. Some well-known diet plans that have worked well in lowering blood pressure in a lot of people are Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (commonly known as the DASH diet).
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Can A Good Diet Plan Reduce The Impact Of Bipolar Depression

Can A Good Diet Plan Reduce The Impact Of Bipolar Depression

People with bipolar depression counter unusual mood episodes – lows to extreme lows. Such episodes can last for many days. People with this disorder may experience suicidal tendencies, insomnia, fatigue, weakened immune system, and weight fluctuations. Often a chain of events affects people with bipolar depression. It affects people both mentally and physically. Healthful diet leads to a healthy body We all know that diet plays an important role in keeping our body healthy and in maintaining both physical and mental wellbeing. Sufficient sleep is a precursor to a healthy body. A healthy diet is a precursor to good sleep. By taking a cue from the benefits of a healthy diet, researchers have established that bipolar depression can be managed with timely medications combined with a good diet plan. Studies have proven that people who follow a good diet and have lower BMI respond well to medications. The choice of food or diet is linked to the intensity of bipolar depression disorder and the response to the medication. Good quality and healthful diets act as an anti-inflammatory and strengthen the body, whereas, poor diets act as pro-inflammatory and weaken the body. The poor-quality diet increases the BMI and the response to treatment may be poor.
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Prevent Eczema with a Healthy Diet

Prevent Eczema with a Healthy Diet

With the increasing connection between lifestyle, diet, and diseases, studies and research have been able to establish a pattern. It has been found that the standard American diet is high in sugar, carbs, and processed and fried food, and has a high percentage of unsaturated oil. These foods were found to be a major cause of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and inflammatory conditions, like eczema and atopic dermatitis. As a result, if you have eczema, it is often important to adjust eating habits. Many people who have eczema are prone to food allergies. However, doctors are unable to generalize this and research is ongoing to prove this. Many are allergic to milk, eggs, soy, gluten, nuts, fish, and shellfish. They are at higher risk for eczema and could potentially trigger atopic dermatitis too. Some of the foods, apart from the ones mentioned above, should be looked at with caution. There are times when elimination works best. Make a journal of what you eat and monitor the food items that trigger the symptoms of eczema and atopic dermatitis: 1. Foods to avoid with eczema Doctors and health professionals will often advise eczema patients to avoid the following: Food high in sugar Food high in trans fat Processed foods Packaged foods Junk and fast food With the elimination of such foods, you can try new recipes and get adventurous with your diet.
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7 Enticing Recipes To Heal Gout

7 Enticing Recipes To Heal Gout

A gout diet contains foods low in purine. Purine is found naturally and is produced by the body. Anyone suffering from gout has issues flushing out purine from the body; excess purine in the system causes gout attacks. Here are a few recipes to help decrease uric acid levels in the body: Cherry juice Blend four carrots, 25 grams of cherries, and one slice of pineapple. Add a dash of lemon juice and some ice before you serve it. All the ingredients in this juice help to decrease uric acid in the body. Cherries are the most important as they neutralize uric acid and are also powerful antioxidants. Carrots, along with being highly nutritious, help to balance the sourness of the cherries. Have this juice twice a day for best results. Chayote and citrus blend Blend one-fourth of peeled and chopped chayote, one-fourth cup of pineapple juice, and half a cup of orange juice in a blender. Have it every morning. This juice helps to lower uric acid levels. Being a diuretic, it is highly recommended for those suffering from gout, arthritis, and cellulitis. It reduces inflammation that occurs due to sprains and dislocations Strawberry smoothie Blend two handfuls of washed and chopped strawberries and one handful of raspberries with some water.
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Tips to Prevent Ulcerative Colitis Flare-Ups

Tips to Prevent Ulcerative Colitis Flare-Ups

In the case of chronic conditions, like ulcerative colitis, patients should follow a set of lifestyle and dietary tips that can prevent flare-ups. Also, it’s imperative to know what food triggers a flare-up, so you can avoid these as much as possible. Lastly, it’s important to regularly consult a doctor and nutritionist to learn what to eat and avoid vitamin deficiency. Here are some dietary tips for ulcerative colitis: Always choose to eat low-fat food and cook food in low- or no-fat ways, like steaming or baking Avoid food that can cause gas, like cabbage and legumes Never eat raw fruits and vegetables; instead, steam or stew them Keep adequately hydrated by consuming 2 to 3 liters of fluids every day Eat five to six smaller meals instead of three large and heavy meals Chew food and never eat in a hurry or on the go 1. Foods to eat with ulcerative colitis Here are some foods that are tolerated well and can be frequently included in the diet: Lean meat: Beef, veal, pork, venison, lamb, and poultry should be cooked well and chewed properly before swallowing. Luncheon meat: Lean cold veal or pork roast, cooked ham without fat, cured raw ham, corned beef, beef gelatin, beef sausage, and poultry.
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Tips to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Tips to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that causes inconsistencies with bowel movements to varying degrees. The two major symptoms associated with IBS are diarrhea and constipation. To add to the trouble, people also experience cramps and abdominal pain. While there are medical treatments to ease the symptoms and help manage IBS, there are long term steps that individuals have to follow to manage the condition over the long term. This primarily begins with food, as it often triggers these adverse symptoms. Here are some top dietary tips for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that you need to strictly follow: 1. Get onto a high fiber diet This is indeed the first step as fiber adds a certain amount of bulk to the stools and helps ease movements. According to research, adults should eat at least 20-35 grams of fiber each day. Although this sounds easy, the average consumption of fiber is around 5-14 grams in most adults. Some of the best sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. They supply the body with the necessary nutrition and ease up constipation as well. It is important to remember to choose soluble fiber-rich foods over insoluble ones. 2. Balance with a low fiber diet While fiber is great for those diagnosed with IBS, it is still a problem when over consumed, as they can be triggers for both gas and diarrhea.
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Benefits Of Investing In Liquid Funds

Benefits Of Investing In Liquid Funds

A mutual fund is a financial instrument, which is created from a pool of money taken from various investors for investing in different securities like money market instruments, bonds, and stocks, among others. These funds are operated professionally by different money managers, who allocate the assets of the fund in order to achieve capital gains. A mutual fund portfolio is structured properly and maintained in order to match the investment objectives, which are stated in the prospectus. When it comes to different types of liquid assets, mutual funds are one of the most attractive investment avenues. Types of liquid assets in mutual funds Liquid assets under mutual funds represent the types of securities wherein you can invest for a short tenure. The different types of liquid assets in mutual funds include the following. Money market funds Money market funds consist of safe and short-term debt instruments. These mainly comprise various debt-related financial instruments like non-treasury assets issued by government-funded enterprises, U.S. government agencies, and corporations; regular debt instruments such as notes, bonds, and bills; municipal bonds, and government money funds, which invest in government securities and cash. Money market funds are a safe investment option to park your money. Although they provide stable income, capital appreciation is less.
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6 Things You Can Do To Quit Smoking

6 Things You Can Do To Quit Smoking

According to the American Lung Association, more than 480,000 deaths occur each year in the country alone due to tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke. Sadly, people are aware of the innumerable health risks that arise out of cigarette smoking and yet, many choose to ignore it. For those who are willing to make the change in their lives, some of the most effective ways to quit smoking for good would help you to battle the urge to smoke are listed below: Patience The urge to smoke usually lasts only between three to five minutes. Allow it to pass so that you don’t fall back to the habit. Breathe Breathe into the count of four and breathe out to the count of six. Visualize the imagery of fresh air filling the lungs. Hydrate Drink enough water or juices but slowly (sip by sip) to get over the craving. NRT It is advisable to use nicotine replacement therapy. More often than not, people underestimate how nicotine-dependent one is. While going cold turkey without the help of NRT is one approach, studies have shown that only 5% of such quit attempts are successful. Alternative therapies There are several other effective ways to quit smoking for good.
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Natural ingredients that fight lymphoma

Natural ingredients that fight lymphoma

Lymphoma affects the lymphocytes, which are cells of the immune system. The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating toxins and waste from the body. Besides allopathic treatments and medication, you can try a few of these natural ingredients. They do not have side effects and are great for your system. Some people may be allergic to a few herbs, so avoid those that cause allergies or discomfort. Some of the herbs that can be used are: 1. Cleavers Cleaver is an herb that is a diuretic and helps to eliminate toxins from the lymphatic system. It cleanses the lymphatic system by increasing the production of urine. Fewer toxins means a healthier immune system to combat the growth of cancerous tumors. To make tea, infuse 2-3 teaspoons of the cleavers in 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse it for 10 to 15 minutes and strain it. Have this tea 2 to 3 times a day for the desired effects. 2. Parsley When attacked by cancer, an enzyme called epithelial growth factor present in the body stimulates cancer growth. Parsley disables this enzyme. Parsley is available both in fresh and dry forms. Add either dried or fresh parsley to 1 teacup of boiling water.
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Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Like with any medical condition, lung cancer prevention is not 100% guaranteed. There is some evidence, however, that eating certain natural foods and leading a healthy lifestyle (i.e., not smoking) may help to reduce the risk of developing the disease in the first place. Here is a list of foods that possess natural cancer-fighting properties. Including them in the diet can help you reduce your overall risks of developing lung cancer while improving the overall health of your body: 1. Leafy green veggies Include a variety of green vegetables in your diet every day. An assortment of vitamins such as A, C, and E, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, that are present in these not only fight lung cancer symptoms but also prevent lung cancer to a large extent. Phytochemicals present in green vegetables disrupt the growth of cancer by blocking carcinogen-activating enzymes and boosting detoxification. So. include at least half a cup of broccoli, bok choy, collard greens, kale, spinach, arugula, romaine lettuce, the greens of mustard, radish, turnip, and beetroot, wasabi, watercress, or Swiss chard every day. Some of these vegetables contain isothiocyanates, which are compounds that promote the beneficial effect of radiation therapy.
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