Critical Items to Put in a Survival Kit

Critical Items to Put in a Survival Kit

It’s always important to be prepared for any natural disaster or unexpected event that could leave you without power or the ability to leave your home for days on end. A home survival kit is essential because it ensures that basic supplies are on hand to allow your family to exist comfortably during an emergency situation. When putting together a home survival kit, the following items are essential:

1. Generator
Generators are essential since they can give you power in a crisis. Anything that uses electricity or propane can be used with generators, including appliances that allow you to store cold food, cook, heat, and light your home. Be sure to pack extra fuel if you have a portable generator, since you will use up quite a bit should the power be off for multiple days. If possible, choose a portable generator with wheels that can easily be moved around. This will make it much easier if you need to evacuate your home or if you need to stay in an area where you have no access to electricity for an extended amount of time.

2. First aid kit
A home first aid kit is essential during times of crisis because they can help you deal with minor burns and injuries. Making a reliable home first aid kit is easier than you think. Look in your medicine cabinet for clean bandages, antiseptic, gauze pads, scissors, and pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen.

3. Flashlight
A battery flashlight is essential for seeing in dark places and for signaling for help if needed. It’s always good to have a torchlight with a flasher feature so that you won’t use up all your batteries at once. If the power goes out, and you have no generator, a flashlight acts as a backup source of light.

4. Water
Water is the most essential item in your survival kit because above all, you and your loved ones must stay hydrated. You should allot one gallon per person in your home survival kit. It is also wise to have a water purifier on hand, if your supply (i.e., well water) might be contaminated.

5. Food rations
It is a wise idea to have some dry food supplies in your home survival kit in case there’s a long-term power outage, a disaster, or other events that require the entire community to remain home for weeks or months on end. It’s important to have food rations that can provide sustenance, but also stay fresh during an emergency. Basic food rations (e.g., dried beans, canned soups, granola bars, peanut butter, etc.) are important because they allow you to get by without going grocery shopping every week.

6. Battery-powered or hand crank radio
A battery or hand crank radio is essential because it lets you stay in touch with the outside world during a power outage or natural disaster. This may be an item you’ll never need (thankfully), but it is essential during an emergency. Be sure to have extra batteries on hand if you opt for   battery powered radio.

7. All purpose knife
It is important to have a reliable all-purpose knife in your home survival kit as it can be very useful during an emergency. A knife can be used as a cutting tool, cooking aid, hunting tool, and for various trimming and fixing.

8. Candles and waterproof matches
Extra candles and waterproof matches can grant you light and warmth during an extended emergency. They can also provide fire, a  signal for help, and extended light in the event of a power outage.