Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis
There are many early signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that can be observed weeks or months before the symptoms set in. These are signs and symptoms are directly related to the affected joints. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately, as early treatment often slows the overall progression of RA. This article lists the earliest warning signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA):
1. Fatigue
One of the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis that would be observed first is fatigue. If you start feeling tired frequently and feel a general sense of malaise then it could be RA. You need to understand if there is any other reason for the fatigue, if not you need to probably see a doctor.
2. Fever
RA leads to inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints. This inflammation can cause fever. The fever would usually be accompanied by fatigue. There could be many reasons for fever, but if it is occurring frequently, it could be RA.
3. Weight loss
One of the various early signs of RA is weight loss. This loss of weight is unexplained and without any apparent reason. If you are not dieting or exercising and still losing weight and you observe any other early sign then it is time to see a doctor.
4. Numbness
RA can lead to inflammation of the joints and the tendon. When the tendons are inflamed, they may put pressure on the nerves. This leads to a feeling of numbness and tingling in the hands. This numbness and tingling may lead to a loss of sensation in the hands.
5. Loss of range of motion
As the early signs of RA start developing, the inflammation tends to increase. This continuous inflammation of the joints can lead to a loss of range of motion. The range of motion of the joints becomes limited. This can also lead to a feeling of weakness in the joints.
6. Anemia
Anemia is one of the early signs of RA. The inflammation leads to a situation where the RBC count can become low. This leads to anemia, which is an initial sign of RA.
7. Symmetric joint pain
Most people having RA may experience pain in a joint on both sides of the body. Pain in the wrists or feet can occur for any reason. But when it occurs in such a symmetric manner, it is a sure sign that you may have RA. You should then immediately visit a doctor.
8. Polyarthritis
Polyarthritis refers to pain in more than one joint of the body. RA generally starts with one or two of the joints. In some people, the pain can be seen in more than one joint simultaneously at an early stage. This is one of the sure signs of RA.
9. Chest pain
One of the early signs of RA that some people experience is chest pain. This can be observed when they take a deep breath.
10. Dryness
Dryness in the mouth and dryness in the eyes, leading to itching are early signs of RA in some people.