Essential Oils For Hair And Skin – All You Need To Know

Essential Oils For Hair And Skin – All You Need To Know

Essential oils are oils extracted from plants. Various parts of the plant like the leaves, buds, flowers, and seeds are used to carefully make these oils. Many have innumerable properties to treat skin and hair conditions right from fighting wrinkles, acne, dandruff, hair fall and for those who do not have anyone or any of these issues, these oils help in maintaining youthful skin and healthy hair. Therefore, it pretty much offers a holistic approach for properly groomed skin and hair. However, it would still be wise to check with your dermatologist if you can use one. If you are the risk-taker, we recommend that you do a patch test to figure allergies. Here are some top recommendations:

Most of us find it difficult to understand what kind of oils to use. Will applying a particular oil increases the oiliness of the existing oily skin? or will it make the skin drier? The following sums up the skin and hair types vis-a-vis the recommended oil:

  • Lavender
    This essential soothes your skin and hair and helps to balance the moisture levels
  • Sandalwood
    It reduces inflammation and promotes youthfulness.
  • Rosemary
    this essential oil is known for its analgesic properties and one of its key ingredient – esters keep the excess sebum production at bay. It largely helps in dealing with both greasy hair and also dandruff. It increased the blood flow to the scalp and thereby allowing better hair growth.
  • Lemongrass
    Fights against pimples and acts as an antimicrobial. Removes dead skin cells.
  • Clary Sage
    Reduces acne and the appearance of wrinkled mature skin. Controls excess sebum secretion due to its active compounds like linalyl acetate and geranyl.
  • Frankincense
    Helps alleviate oily and acne-prone skin. It provides lipid for aging skin.
  • Cinnamon
    The cinnamic acid present in cinnamon acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and helps to fight against inflammatory acne-like pustules, nodules, and cysts.
  • Eucalyptus
    Cools down hot rashes and also provides an analgesic effect on the skin.
  • Rose
    Contains antioxidants like vitamins A and C. Helps cell turnover and slows down aging.
  • Myrrh
    Used by ancient Egyptian women as an anti-aging supplement. Promoted circulation, creates brighter and refined-looking akin.
  • Jojoba
    Known to repair the top layer of the skin due to the presence of natural fatty acid.

Skin types and the recommended essential oil
The following essential oils are recommended as per one’s skin type

  • Dry
    Sandalwood, rose, myrrh, cedarwood, and rose
  • Oily
    Eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, rosemary, Moroccan and sweet marjoram
  • Acne
    Eucalyptus, tea tree, juniper berry, lemon, and cedarwood
  • Wrinkles
    Myrrh, rose, sandalwood, lemongrass, frankincense, rose geranium and helichrysum

Hair types and the recommended essential oil
The following essential oils are recommended as per one’s type of hair

  • Dry/damaged hair
    Coconut, almond, rosemary, jojoba, turmeric, and meadowfoam
  • Oily scalp
    Aloe vera, olive oil, vitamin E and jojoba
  • Thinning hair
    Sandalwood, rosemary, cinnamon, and jojoba.

Besides the above, you could also try lavender, neroli, tangerine, patchouli for fighting against aging.

It is to be noted that the topical use of such essential oils may lead to rashes and skin irritation if they are not diluted properly. Also, these oils are very powerful and many are not recommended to be taken by mouth. If the label suggests 100% external application – they truly mean that. It should not be used to self-treat any medical condition.