Everyday Foods to Avoid with Type 2 Diabetes

Everyday Foods to Avoid with Type 2 Diabetes

Metabolic-related health complications (i.e., diabetes) impact millions of Americans. Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, musculoskeletal disorders, etc., are just a few examples. It is believed that most of these metabolic diseases and disorders can be controlled and maintained with proper dietary control. While some foods are pretty obvious since they contain added sugars like candy, cake, or soda; ironically enough, often what people consider ‘healthy,’ is often not the case.

Here are some everyday foods that might harm you if you have type 2 diabetes:

1. French fries
Fries are something that Americans love. By themselves, potatoes are high in carbohydrates. A medium-sized potato with its skin contained has nearly 37 grams of carbs. Once the skin is peeled and the potato is deep-fried, it does much more than spiking the blood sugar levels. Any deep-fried food produces toxic compounds like aldehydes and AGEs in significant amounts. This increases the chance of heart diseases and also promotes inflammation. Other bad food choices include:

  • Fried meats
  • Pork bacon
  • Poultry with skin
  • Deep-fried dish
  • High-fat cuts of meat like ribs

2. Alcohol
Moderation in alcohol is certainly required for a type 2 diabetic. Research suggests that one drink per day for women and two a day for men does not have a negative impact on diabetes and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications. However, it is imperative to consider if you are prone to hypoglycemia (where the blood sugar levels drop below the healthy threshold). The best way to avoid this situation would be to eat food with alcohol in order to avoid the risk of low blood sugar levels. Ensure to wear a diabetes alert bracelet so that people around you know what to do if you show symptoms of hypoglycemia. The other extreme of alcohol increases the blood sugar levels. For example, often mixed drinks and cocktails are made with sweeteners and juices which contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and this increases the sugar levels. Watch what you drink and if you have to indulge in excessive alcohol (owing to some celebration), consult your physician who would adjust your medicine dose accordingly.

3. Canned food
Canned foods usually contain high amounts of sodium and this includes both vegetables and fruits. A type 2 diabetic should largely resort to cooking fresh meals every day with locally available ingredients.

4. Dairy
When it comes to dairy, it is always best to keep it low in fat. If you feel like splurging, keep the portion small. Some of the poorer choices in dairy include:

  • Whole milk
  • Regular yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Sour cream

5. Cooking methods
How you cook your daily meal matters a lot. You could still be using the best of freshly bought vegetables but you might do a lot of harm by adding a lot of butter or cheese to cook them. Ensure to keep the taste as natural as possible. Slow cook if required but refrain from using a lot of butter while cooking.