Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Foods that Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Like with any medical condition, lung cancer prevention is not 100% guaranteed. There is some evidence, however, that eating certain natural foods and leading a healthy lifestyle (i.e., not smoking) may help to reduce the risk of developing the disease in the first place. Here is a list of foods that possess natural cancer-fighting properties. Including them in the diet can help you reduce your overall risks of developing lung cancer while improving the overall health of your body:

1. Leafy green veggies
Include a variety of green vegetables in your diet every day. An assortment of vitamins such as A, C, and E, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, that are present in these not only fight lung cancer symptoms but also prevent lung cancer to a large extent. Phytochemicals present in green vegetables disrupt the growth of cancer by blocking carcinogen-activating enzymes and boosting detoxification. So. include at least half a cup of broccoli, bok choy, collard greens, kale, spinach, arugula, romaine lettuce, the greens of mustard, radish, turnip, and beetroot, wasabi, watercress, or Swiss chard every day. Some of these vegetables contain isothiocyanates, which are compounds that promote the beneficial effect of radiation therapy. Make them part of your salad bowl, place them on whole grain sandwiches, stir fry them, or add them to your soups.

2. Spices
Apart from enhancing the flavor of your dishes, herbs and spices perform a more crucial role in preventing and fighting lung cancer. Ginger, for example, has anti-inflammatory properties and also reduces nausea, gas, and diarrhea, which are common in people undergoing cancer treatment. Shogaol, the compound that gives ginger its pungent taste, reportedly has anticancer properties and lowers the risk of metastases of existing cancer cells. Apart from enjoying hot ginger tea, you can include it in your diet by adding peeled, washed, and freshly grated ginger root to soups, salads, healthy millet noodles, and in Indian curries. Similarly, curcumin found in turmeric root has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting capabilities and is believed to help prevent lung cancer effectively by encouraging apoptosis of cancer cells. Use it in soups or add it as a flavoring in a glass of warm milk.

3. Fresh fruits
Nutrient-rich fruits like blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, and raspberries contain anthocyanins, a plant pigment that effectively fights lung cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Apart from this, berries help prevent the formation of blood clots that are common in cancer patients. Fruits like apples and pears contain phloretin that has anti-tumor properties. Clinical research shows they successfully induce cell apoptosis and inhibit the growth of lung cancer. Have two or more servings of these fruits as snacks every day.

4. Yellow, orange, red foods
Yellow, orange, and red-colored foods like apricot, persimmon, papaya, mango, carrot, guava, grapefruit, watermelon, cooked tomato, red pepper, and red cabbage contain lycopene and beta-carotene, both powerful antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory in nature. They help reduce the risk of developing lung cancer and also help in fighting against it.

5. Flax
Flax seeds contain components that protect normal, healthy cells from being damaged by cancer cells and treat lung cancer side-effects in people already affected. Include them as seeds in roasted form, or as a powder in your diet.

6. Complex carbohydrates
Whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, soy, low-fat dairy products, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ are all excellent sources of protein that help keep your lungs healthy and reduce cancer risk. They can thus be added to the list of foods that help prevent lung cancer.