Lifestyle Changes And Natural Remedies For Hemophilia

Lifestyle Changes And Natural Remedies For Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which the clotting factor doesn’t carry out its function, thereby letting a wound bleed excessively, even if it is just a surface cut. This may result in severe complications, especially if the bleeding is internal. Joint damage is a very common complication of hemophilia and can result in the destruction of bones and arthritis. The condition occurs if there are genetic mutations in clotting factors VIII or IX and is much more common in men, although women are the carriers of the gene. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B.


  • Avoid taking drugs like aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs unless absolutely required.
  • Make sure the donor blood is screened properly before blood transfusions.
  • Avoid surgeries, circumcision, etc of male infants before eliminating the possibility of the occurrence of hemophilia. This goes for male infants whose mother is a carrier.

Natural remedies
There are certain natural remedies that can be used as treatments for the symptoms of hemophilia, however, it is essential to consult with a doctor before going ahead with any of them.

There is no direct connection between nutrition and hemophilia but there are some foods that may be believed to worsen or improve symptoms. It is important to choose options that will help keep your joints healthy and avoid muscle strain.

Obesity is a problem in patients with hemophilia as it adds extra pressure on many joints, muscles, and organs.

Additionally, iron levels must also be balanced. This is because with each 15ml of blood lost, 0.75 micrograms of iron are also lost. This can result in iron deficiency and other problems.

What to eat

  • Increase your intake of fruits and dark leafy vegetables. This helps your immunity and lets you maintain intestinal health.
  • Take more whole grains instead of refined flour. These include oats, barley, bran, brown rice, and whole wheat. These help lower your cholesterol and keep your blood glucose level in check.
  • Use low-fat dairy products to consume calcium-rich products without adding unnecessary fats to your system. These options include low-fat yogurt and cheese, skimmed milk, etc. If you’re vegan, you can go for other sources of calcium like oranges and iceberg lettuce, among others.
  • Choose baking and boiling over roasting and frying food items.
  • Eat iron-rich foods like dates, liver, etc. that can keep the iron content in your body balanced.
  • You can also take iron, vitamin and mineral supplements.

What not to eat

  • Avoid fish and vitamin E since they keep from the platelets from clumping, which increases bleeding time.
  • Avoid fried dishes.
  • Avoid food with a lot of sugar.

Herbal treatments must always be supervised by a doctor, especially for people with hemophilia. This is because herbs can affect the rate of clotting and its extent.

Herbs to avoid are as follows:

  • Ginger
  • White willow
  • Horse chestnut
  • Garlic
  • Gingko
  • Ginseng
  • Turmeric

Acupuncture is a big no for all patients with hemophilia because of the high probability of bleeding.

Exercise can greatly benefit you if you are diagnosed with hemophilia. It helps keep your joints and muscles strong, improves circulation and overall health. However, make sure to avoid contact sports as there are high risks of getting hurt and experiencing open wounds. Physical therapy such as stretching, movement exercises, and resistance training can be of great help.