Natural ingredients that fight lymphoma

Natural ingredients that fight lymphoma

Lymphoma affects the lymphocytes, which are cells of the immune system. The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating toxins and waste from the body. Besides allopathic treatments and medication, you can try a few of these natural ingredients. They do not have side effects and are great for your system. Some people may be allergic to a few herbs, so avoid those that cause allergies or discomfort. Some of the herbs that can be used are:

1. Cleavers
Cleaver is an herb that is a diuretic and helps to eliminate toxins from the lymphatic system. It cleanses the lymphatic system by increasing the production of urine. Fewer toxins means a healthier immune system to combat the growth of cancerous tumors. To make tea, infuse 2-3 teaspoons of the cleavers in 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse it for 10 to 15 minutes and strain it. Have this tea 2 to 3 times a day for the desired effects.

2. Parsley
When attacked by cancer, an enzyme called epithelial growth factor present in the body stimulates cancer growth. Parsley disables this enzyme. Parsley is available both in fresh and dry forms. Add either dried or fresh parsley to 1 teacup of boiling water. Steep it for 10 to 15 minutes and then strain the parsley. Drink the tea with a dash of lime and honey.

3. Green tea
Green tea has anti-cancer properties. Consuming green tea has been associated with a reduction in the incidence of cancer and recurring cancer. EGCG is a component that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It is best when it is without sugar. Ensure that you do not boil the tea leaves, but infuse them in hot water for 5 to 15 minutes. Do not reuse the leaves. Green tea can be had with lime to reduce the feeling of nausea associated with cancer.

4. Reishi mushrooms
Reishi mushrooms, also known as Ling Zhi, have antioxidant properties that boost the immune system and help to inhibit the growth of cancer. They are popular in Chinese medicine. You can cultivate them at home in pots or you can buy dried Reishi mushrooms. They are consumed in the form of tea or as a soup. Reishi mushroom supplements are popular as well and are available over the counter. Try them in small quantities and continue consuming them if it suits your body. Those who do not like the odor of fresh Reishi mushrooms can opt for the dry ones.

5. Ginger
Ginger is a powerful antioxidant. It suppresses the growth of cancer cells to other parts of the body. Add ginger to your green tea or make tea with fresh ginger root. Ginger can be added to soups and gravies. Dried ginger powder is also available and can be used with a variety of recipes. Ginger root supplements are quite popular as well.

6. Red clover
Red clover promotes perspiration in the body, which helps get rid of the toxins through sweat. Isoflavones present in this herb have anti-tumor activity.

These natural ingredients are not substitutes for cancer treatments and can be used alongside traditional allopathic treatments. Consult your doctor before you take any of these herbs.