Side effects of cancer treatment during radiotherapy

Side effects of cancer treatment during radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is one of the treatments for cancer. It can cause many side effects. The article looks at the main side effects of cancer treatment through radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy involves the use of high beams of energy to destroy tumors and cancer cells. However, side effects do occur during radiotherapy. They vary from person to person.

Advanced stages of cancer call for a higher dosage of radiation that can cause more severe side effects. Those who are sensitive or have a weak immune system are more likely to suffer more side effects.

Early side effects
One of the main side effects of cancer treatment experienced at the early state is fatigue. Nausea is a related side effect. These can start immediately once the therapy starts. It can usually last for many weeks after completion of treatment.

Fatigue can be severe and can affect the quality of life. Taking sufficient rest, focusing on stress reduction, practicing relaxation techniques, and attending counseling are ways of reducing fatigue. Taking help from others and joining a support group can help in managing these early side effects.

Skin problems
Radiotherapy involves radiation directed on the skin through which it enters the affected area and destroys cancer cells. Since skin is exposed to radiation, there could be side effects of the treatment that affects the skin. The skin can become red and look as though it has been tanned. Blisters may appear on the skin for those having sensitive skin. The skin can become dry and flaky because of the radiation. Skin may even peel off.

Some of the precautions to take are:

  • Talk to the doctor for medication to relieve the side effects of the skin.
  • The area affected should be left free without being covered by tight clothing.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun. Wear protective clothing like a hat while going out. Consult your doctor on the advisability of using sunscreen.
  • Don’t use bandages or any covering on the skin unless advised by the doctor.
  • Those undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer should avoid wearing a bra or use only a cotton bra.
  • Do not use any creams or lotions without consulting your doctor.
  • Protecting the skin is important even after radiotherapy ends.

Hair loss
Hair loss can happen to those who undergo radiotherapy. This is especially so for those who are exposed to radiation on the head. Hair loss is common and hair will grow again once the therapy is complete.

Some people prefer to shave their heads completely before radiotherapy. It is important to protect the scalp with a hat while going out in the sun.

Loss of appetite
Loss of appetite is a common side effect of radiation therapy. A balanced diet is very important while being treated for cancer. Eating many small meals throughout the day is better than eating three meals. This ensures the patient gets nutrition.

The main side effects of cancer treatment caused by radiotherapy were explained in this article. The information would have helped you understand the side effects and what can be done to reduce discomfort.