Super Easy Snacks for Children

Super Easy Snacks for Children

Packing a healthy snack for your kids can be an overwhelming task. Between school, sports, and social outings, there are often little time. Plus, children can be picky eaters and this only makes the task of packing a good snack difficult. A great way to get your child involved is by letting them help pick out a from the healthy options available. You could also get your children involved in the cooking process, as they are more likely to enjoy the snack than fuss around about the healthy snacks.

Let’s take a look at some super simple and easy snacks that you can pack for children:

1. Banana muffins
These are great for snacks and they also make a wholesome meal. Moreover, you can also bake these goods at home without having to worry about its taste and health quotient.

2. Watermelon slices with mini gouda wheels
This is an exceptional snack, especially during those hot summer months. The watermelon is cooling and cheese packs have extra calcium, which is a must for growing children. Hence, this makes a healthy snack option for kids to carry to school.

3. Carrot sticks and hummus
Carrots are an amazing vegetable for children to snack on. Moreover, hummus provides all the extra protein needed.

4. Unsweetened applesauce
Applesauce is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. It is also rich in dietary fiber and a good source of vitamin C. Hence, this makes a popular snack for children to take to school.

5. Bananas and whole wheat goldfish crackers
Slice a banana in half and put it in the snack box with the skin, as this keeps the banana from turning gooey. Wheat goldfish crackers make a healthy snack that nearly all kids enjoy eating.

6. Trail mix
You can make your trail mix at home by adding your child’s favorites and combining them. You can combine whole wheat crackers, pretzels, raisins or craisins, pumpkin seeds, and chocolate chips to make a healthy trail mix.

7. Clementine or mandarin oranges and whole wheat pretzels
This snack is great for children that are old enough to peel their oranges themselves. Oranges are great sources of vitamin C and, along with some whole wheat pretzels, they make a great snack option for kids to take to school.

You do need to remember that many school districts are nut-free, so make sure that you know the school’s policy, as there are many children who are allergic. Sending snacks that come in individual portions is quite easy and convenient. Some schools also do not permit snacks that have been made at home; you may need to stay away from really messy foods, as the teacher will not appreciate.