The Main Causes of Depression

The Main Causes of Depression

At the outset, it’s crucial to understand that depression is a severe mental condition very different from sadness or a case of the blues. Everyone feels sad at several points in life. But, the feeling of sadness if felt for a prolonged period of time may lead to depression. This is why chronic depression is considered a malicious health issue. People with depression often attempt to hide the signs from others, and in some cases, they don’t even realize they have depression.

The signs and symptoms of depression vary from person to person. The early warning signs of depression are a significantly wide section, some of which can easily go unnoticed. This only worsens the condition and newer symptoms may begin to show. If you know a loved one suffering from depression, it’s important to get them to open up and share their feelings and the reasons behind them. It’s extremely important to offer them nonjudgmental support and advice. One of the symptoms of depression is suicidal thoughts. You need to take a very close look at the warning signs of suicide accompanied by depression:

1. Depression and suicide
Depression is the number one risk factor for suicide. Often, suicide becomes the only option when despair and hopelessness take control of an individual’s life. Suicidal thoughts and intentions are very serious and need immediate attention. It’s important to understand that individuals with suicidal thoughts don’t want to end their lives. Suicide looks like the only option to escape the pain and despair they are suffering from. The early warning signs of depression with suicidal intentions are:

  • Suddenly switching from extreme sadness to extreme happiness and appearing calm
  • Consistently talking about death or harming the self
  • Experiencing clinical depression like persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed and trouble sleeping & eating
  • Preoccupied with death
  • Expressing powerful feelings of hopelessness
  • Behaving recklessly, often that can lead to death
  • Calling and visiting friends and relatives to say goodbye
  • Being self-critical and saying things like “everyone will be better off without me”
  • Always talking about being helpless and worthless

2. Causes of depression
The early warning signs of depression can give an indication of the causes of this disturbing mental condition. Some of these are:

3. Genes
Depression often runs in families. Having a very close family member with depression can increase your chances of developing the condition. However, you can get affected by depression even without the genetic factor.

4. Life events
Disturbing situations and outcomes in life can trigger depression. This includes the loss of someone very close, a difficult relationship or a stressful situation. There are other causes like finances, change of location and others.

5. Childhood trauma
Individuals with a difficult upbringing and traumatic experiences in childhood can develop depression very fast. This also includes child abuse, ill-treatment, lack of love and trust from a young age and other similar factors.

6. Lifestyle habits and conditions
Substance or alcohol abuse, suffering from long-term pain, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other conditions can also trigger depression.

Understanding the early warning signs of depression and the causes will help you or the depressed patient discuss better with your doctor and get timely treatment.