Things to Avoid for Heartburn Prevention

Things to Avoid for Heartburn Prevention

Acid reflux, or heartburn, can be caused by various reasons, both physiological and lifestyle. One way of seeking relief from this condition is by changing those factors in our lifestyle that cause acid reflux. Some of the more common causes of acid reflux that can be addressed naturally, without resorting to medication. Here are a few easy lifestyle and dietary changes to make to prevent heartburn and acid reflux:

1. Do not overeat
One of the most common causes of acid reflux is overeating. The esophageal sphincter is supposed to be closed and opens only when you eat, burp, or vomit. If you overeat, an already weakened esophageal sphincter will open, unable to handle the pressure of too much food in the stomach. Acid reflux and heartburn are most commonly felt right after a heavy meal.

2. Maintain a normal BMI
If one is obese and has too much fat around the abdomen, there is more pressure on the esophageal sphincter, thus causing it to move constantly allowing the acid to be released. Even pregnant women are affected by acid reflux, precisely because of the pressure on the abdomen. Those who are obese have to resort to measures that will help them lose abdominal fat and overall weight.

3. Do not smoke
Smoking damages the mucous membranes, thus reducing the production of saliva, which can counter the effect of the acid. It also can weaken the esophageal sphincter, making it inefficient. That is why smokers are at high risk for acid reflux.

4. Do not drink
There is enough evidence to show that coffee, alcohol, and soda weakens the esophageal sphincter. One or two cups of coffee, one drink a day, and no carbonated drinks are considered permissible limits for a healthy person. For a person at risk of acid reflux, decaffeinated coffee or tea can be alternatives. However, full-fat milk, alcohol, and carbonated drinks can cause acid reflux in healthy people, and hence one has to abstain from it.

5. Do not eat certain foods
Food with high-fat content or fried food can make the sphincter relax and help the acid to escape. Avoid tomatoes, citrus, fat cuts of meat, anything deep-fried, and rich dairy products like cheese and butter. Sugary desserts with food additives, chocolates, mint and citrus, and extra spice should be avoided as it can increase heartburn.

6. Avoid medication
Some medications like aspirin, painkillers, muscle relaxants, and blood pressure pills can cause heartburn. You have to consult your doctor and ensure that the medication is changed or dosage altered so that the symptoms are not accentuated.

7. Do not overdo exercise
Too much exercise while having heartburn can increase the symptoms. We tend to inhale additional air during exercise, which could relax and open the esophageal sphincter. Avoid fatty food before a workout and opt for high carb foods rather than fat or protein.

8. Do not sleep right after a meal
One of the tips for a healthy lifestyle is not to sleep right after a meal. There has to be a gap of two hours before your meal and sleep time. If you sleep right after a meal, there is a possibility that the contents of the food may rise right up to the mouth, as the esophageal sphincter is open, resulting in heartburn.