Tips for Preventing Cold Sores
Cold sores or fever blisters are common viral infections. A cold sore on the lip is a tiny blister that fills up with fluid. They can also grow in pairs or groups, so be warned. When the said blister begins to peak, a scab is left behind. They usually heal in approximately two to three weeks. Still, they can definitely become an embarrassing and painful nuisance if they begin to develop frequently. Luckily, there are several manageable ways to prevent and manage cold sores: 1. Apply lip balm Applying lip balm to the skin will bring moisture to the lips. The glycerin and hyaluronic acid in the lip balm formula will attract hydrogen items from the air towards the lips to introduce moisture to the lips. This will hydrate the lips and prevent cold sore on the lip from dry skin. 2. Use sunscreen Applying sunscreen to the lips will prevent the cold sore on the lip from further developing. It will also protect the lips the entire time the cold sore heals. It can also reduce future infections if sunscreen is daily applied to the lips. You must apply at least SPF 30 or whenever you expect to walk inside into the sun.
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