Foods That Help Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

Foods That Help Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that defines over 200 types of joint pain. It is an inflammation of any joint which causes stiffness and pain. The pain experienced by patients is quite unbearable. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system attacks your healthy joints, causing inflammation and pain. You can control the pain by using doctor prescribed medications such as Xeljanz, Tremfya, Actemra, Rinvoq, Skyrizi, Simponi aria, Apremilast, and over the counter pain relievers like Voltaren and Advil, combined with therapies as recommended, as well as eating certain top foods to manage this condition: 1. Omega-3 fatty acids Apart from a hundred other health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, they’re a boon when you want to manage arthritis pain. They burn down bad cholesterol and triglycerides thereby saving your heart from a lot of complications. Fish like sardines, mackerel, tuna, herring, and anchovies are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Overcooking these fish can destroy half the nutrients so stick to baking and grilling them. If you don’t eat fish, you can always substitute them with nuts, soybeans and canola oil. You can also take omega-3 fatty acid supplements after consulting your doctor or nutritionist. 2.
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Strong Indicators of Prostate Cancer

Strong Indicators of Prostate Cancer

As per health researchers and medical professionals, the exact cause for prostate cancer remains a mystery. However, there are some strong indicators that are known to influence the onset of this cancer. On a very basic level, prostate cancer commences by fluctuations caused in the DNA of normal prostate cells. DNA is the chemical in the cells that make our genes, and it controls how our cells function. Cancer is caused by DNA mutations that can kill tumor suppressor genes. This causes the cells to grow out of control. Here are the indicators of prostate cancer: 1. Inherited gene mutations There are certain gene mutations that travel from generation to generation, found in all cells of the body. Gene changes caused by inheritance play a role in prostate cancers. Inherited mutated genes are one of the top risk factors for prostate cancer. These genes causing hereditary prostate cancer are: BRCA1 & BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes and unreleased proteins that help repair damaged DNA cells. They also destroy those cells that cannot be repaired. Inherited mutations of these genes commonly cause breast and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. CHEK2, ATM, PALB2, and RAD51D are genes that assist in making proteins that act as suppressors by regulating cell division.
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Top Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Top Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

The formation of cancer cells in the mouth or throat tissues is called oral cancer. It is a part of a larger group of cancers found in the neck and head. This type of cancer is commonly found in individuals above the age of 40. Oral cancer is difficult to diagnose at the early stages and are usually found when cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. Most often an oral cancer is diagnosed by your dentist during your regular dental check-ups. There are different types of oral cancer which include The inner lining of the cheek. Tongue Lips Gums The hard and soft palate The floor of the mouth. Causes of oral cancer Tobacco is the main cause of oral cancer. Individuals addicted to chewing or smoking tobacco are more likely to be affected by oral cancer. The other risk factor that can lead to oral cancer is consuming alcohol in large amounts. Treatment methods for oral cancer are determined depending on the stage of cancer. Symptoms of oral cancer Oral cancer does not show any severe signs or symptoms at an early stage. Certain symptoms such as ear pain and sore throat might seem like a regular flu problem.
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Treatments for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Using FDA Approved Medications

Treatments for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Using FDA Approved Medications

Sexual problems affect women of all ages and one of the most common ones is HSDD. It results in distress due to lack of interest in sex. You can use medications as options for treatments for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). There are only two medications that are approved by the FDA and these are Addyi and Vyleesi. Addyi Addyi is a pink-colored tablet and is recommended for premenopausal women. Addyi works by increasing the dopamine levels and decreases the serotonin levels. This helps improve your need for sexual desire. It is a non-hormonal medication and it directly works on the neurotransmitters rather than the hormones. Many people assume Addyi works like Viagra but for women. However, this is just a myth as there is no truth behind this. Addyi has a completely different way of working and it affects the brain rather than the genitals, as is the case with Viagra. Addyi is a prescription medication and your doctor is the one who will let you know whether it can work as one of the treatments for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). If you have liver problems or you consume alcohol then you cannot take Addyi. If you take certain medications then you cannot take Addyi.
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3 Types of Allergies and their Main Triggers

3 Types of Allergies and their Main Triggers

A damaging immune response to particular substances or food is known as an allergy, and it causes hypersensitivity to certain substances. The immune system produces antibodies, and in case of an allergy, it produces antibodies that wrongly identify a specific allergen as harmful. The most common substances include dust, pollen, animal dander, and certain food and medications. Allergies can range from minor issues to anaphylaxis, which is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. The severity of allergies varies from person to person and, in most cases, they can’t be cured and can only be controlled and reduced. There are several types of allergies, and their main triggers can affect a person’s health and require timely treatment. Let’s take a look at some of the common types of allergies: Pollen allergies These are seasonal allergies caused by the release of tiny pollen grains by plants. Weeds, grasses, and trees are the main triggers of these types of allergies. The small pollen grains travel by the wind and come in contact with the skin, eyes, and nose. Ragweed causes weed allergies, and pollen allergies are also caused by tumbleweed, sagebrush, and pigweed. Some trees like birch, cedar, and oak produce a huge amount of allergenic pollen.
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Treatment Options For ADHD In Children

Treatment Options For ADHD In Children

Treatment options for ADHD are usually associated with medicines. While medicines play a major role in treating ADHD, other options can help. We will discuss medicines, therapy, and home remedies to help treat ADHD in children. Medicines Stimulants are the first treatment options for ADHD in children. These are commonly prescribed by doctors since they help balance neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain. The benefit of stimulants is that they work quickly and can help increase concentration and hyperactivity in children. An example of a stimulant is methylphenidate. The right dose can take time to figure out but you need to make sure that your child isn’t experiencing too many side effects from the stimulant. Your doctor will closely monitor your child. There are many side effects of stimulants which you should ask your doctor when he is prescribing. Non-stimulant medications are another option that can work as treatment options for your child with ADHD. If your child is between the ages of six and 17 then the doctor might prescribe guanfacine. Guanfacine is a medicine for blood pressure but it is often used for treating ADHD symptoms. Your child’s doctor is the best person to tell you whether your child should take non-stimulants for better management of his symptoms.
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Medication Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment

Medication Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment

Addiction is a chronic condition that is difficult to treat. Medications are one of the primary treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. The addicted individual might need to take medications during the recovery process. Or he might need to take the medicines to recover from complications that have arisen from the addiction disorder. Usually, people use medicines at the time of detoxification so that they can better manage their withdrawal symptoms. The medicines that are recommended for treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse are different for each. That is, different medicines are required for treatment of each type of abuse. Medicines for alcohol abuse The following medicines are recommended for alcohol abuse. Campral or Acamprosate helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism. It works for long-term symptoms. It can help alleviate problems such as feeling unhappy, inability to sleep, and anxiety disorder. This medicine is recommended for people who are chronically addicted to alcohol. It ensures that the brain does not get too excited when alcohol is consumed and so abstinence is promoted with the help of this medication. Antabuse or Disulfiram works by preventing an enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing alcohol. If the person tries to consume alcohol after taking the medication then he will suffer from certain uncomfortable reactions.
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Dyskinesia And Tremors – Warning Signs That Must Not Be Overlooked

Dyskinesia And Tremors – Warning Signs That Must Not Be Overlooked

Dyskinesia causes involuntary jerky movements that are had to control. When you are exploring possible treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors, there are some warning signs that you should not overlook at any cost. While not every person suffering from dyskinesia will develop complications, one needs to know which factors can make the condition worse and treat it in time. New treatment options for dyskinesia and tremors are coming out every day, and people with this condition are finding it easier to handle it. Dyskinesia is commonly found in those who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and it is brought on because of over usage of the levodopa drug for treating Parkinson’s. Here are some of the main triggers of dyskinesia: Stress can trigger a variety of reactions in our bodies, and in those with Parkinson’s, high stress levels can cause dyskinesia. Many daily activities are known to elevate stress levels and this means that the chances of developing dyskinesia are also heightened. Parkinson’s patients have trouble preparing meals, getting dressed, or even walking. So, it is important to make sure that a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s is not overly stressed as this will increase the frequency of jerky movements.
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Most Popular Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Most Popular Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy or SMA is a condition affecting children and infants; it makes it very hard for them to move their muscles. When your child has been diagnosed with SMA nerve cells in his spinal cord and brain are affected. His brain cannot send messages to control muscle movement. As a result, the child develops weak muscles, and he may have a lot of difficulty in sitting without assistance, moving his head, or walking. With the progression of the disease, he may develop breathing and swallowing problems. Most popular treatment options for spinal muscle atrophy Among the best-known treatment options for spinal muscle atrophy are medications namely Spinraza and Zolgensma. These are approved by the FDA and are types of gene therapy for genes involved in spinal muscular atrophy. The first treatment or Nusinersen adjusts the SMN2 gene, allowing it to produce proteins for controlling muscle movements. The medicine is injected into the body fluid around the child’s spinal cord by a team of doctors and this treatment must be done a few times during a session. Research shows that almost 40% of patients who have gone through this have become stronger, and the disease progression has been somewhat slowed down.
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Early Warning Signs Of UTI In Infants And Children

Early Warning Signs Of UTI In Infants And Children

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection that can affect a person of any age and is a result of bacteria infecting the urinary tract. This can be the kidneys, urethra, bladder, or ureters. UTI is a common condition in children and is treatable. The early warning signs of UTI might be clearer in adults, but this might not be the case with infants and young children. So, it is important to consult a doctor if you feel that something is amiss. Note that babies usually only show the symptom of fever. Early warning signs of UTI in infants and young children Vomiting or diarrhea that isn’t going away Inability to develop normally or difficulty in gaining weight Urinating often but only expelling a small amount of urine Foul-smelling urine Pain below their belly button Crying when they urinate or being fussy Being irritable most of the time Feeling pain when they urinate or feeling a burning sensation Fever Loss of appetite Variation in their urination pattern and waking up at night to urinate Early warning signs of UTI in older children Feeling like they have difficulty urinating because of a burning sensation or pain while urinating. Experiencing pain in the flank, the area above the waist and right underneath the rib cage.
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