Diagnosis And Treatment Of Different Types Of Skin Cancer

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Different Types Of Skin Cancer

Formation of lumps on the surface of the skin due to uncontrollable growth of skin cells is called skin cancer. These lumps are formed on the upper layer of the skin called the epidermis and expand in size and change colours as the condition worsens. If this condition is left untreated it could lead to life-threatening situations. Skin cancer is categorized into three different types which are: Basal cell carcinoma This is the most common type and can be cured with timely treatment. Squamous cell carcinoma It is the second most common type and can be curable too. Melanoma It is less common but it is the deadliest type and often leads to death. Causes of different types of skin cancer The main reason for the cause of the different types of skin cancer is frequent exposure to UV light from sunlight or tanning beds or lights. There are several other risk factors associated with it. Individuals at a higher risk of skin cancer need to take proper precautions to avoid the damage caused by UV lights. Using sunscreen lotions and proper clothing to cover their body can lower the risk of skin cancer. Diagnosis of different types of skin cancer When there is a growth of abnormal moles which looks different in size, shape and changes color when compared to ordinary mole a doctor’s appointment is required.
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A Guide To Understanding ITP And Its Early Warning Signs

A Guide To Understanding ITP And Its Early Warning Signs

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is also known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and immune thrombocytopenia. It is an immune disorder that is caused due to a low level of platelets. Platelets are required for blood clot formation. Insufficient platelets can lead to excessive bleeding if you are injured and you bleed. A normal person has a platelet count of 150,000 to 450,000. However, a person with ITP has a platelet count that is less than 100,000. Sometimes people don’t experience any early warning signs of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) while others might experience some symptoms. The early warning signs of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) depend on the type of ITP you have. There are two types of ITP: acute ITP and chronic ITP. The symptoms of each of these are different and can signify different stages of ITP. Acute ITP symptoms develop suddenly. In adults, the common symptoms are purple or red rashes. This is often in the leg or arm areas. Adults can experience other symptoms such as bruising after a small injury or even without any injury. You might notice that your nose bleeds frequently. Adults can notice bloody gums or blood blisters on their lips. Children can have acute ITP as a result of a viral infection.
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Side effects of cancer treatment during radiotherapy

Side effects of cancer treatment during radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is one of the treatments for cancer. It can cause many side effects. The article looks at the main side effects of cancer treatment through radiotherapy. Radiotherapy Radiotherapy or radiation therapy involves the use of high beams of energy to destroy tumors and cancer cells. However, side effects do occur during radiotherapy. They vary from person to person. Advanced stages of cancer call for a higher dosage of radiation that can cause more severe side effects. Those who are sensitive or have a weak immune system are more likely to suffer more side effects. Early side effects One of the main side effects of cancer treatment experienced at the early state is fatigue. Nausea is a related side effect. These can start immediately once the therapy starts. It can usually last for many weeks after completion of treatment. Fatigue can be severe and can affect the quality of life. Taking sufficient rest, focusing on stress reduction, practicing relaxation techniques, and attending counseling are ways of reducing fatigue. Taking help from others and joining a support group can help in managing these early side effects. Skin problems Radiotherapy involves radiation directed on the skin through which it enters the affected area and destroys cancer cells.
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Effective Home Remedies To Treat Acne In Adults

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Acne In Adults

Adults face a lot of challenges in life. Along with stress due to personal reasons, people are also affected due to environmental factors and they have to endure all these things while earning and making a mark in their career. If you are a woman, your body goes through enormous changes and you are perennially left sorting one problem or the other. Did you know that emotional and mental stress, besides exposure to the harsh environment, can cause skin problems as well? The most common among them would be acne. With highly limited time, how does one treat acne with home remedies? Effective home remedies to treat acne in adults Toothpaste Apply an even layer of toothpaste with a cotton swab on the affected areas. Let it dry overnight. Baking Soda Take equal portions of baking soda and water. Make a smooth paste and apply it evenly over the acne. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it with cold water. Vaseline Apply petroleum jelly and leave it overnight. Yogurt Use your fingertips to apply a layer of chilled yogurt on the acne-affected area. Soak for 10 minutes and wash. Milk and honey Take a cup of milk and mix 2 tablespoons of honey.
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Treatment Options for Different Stages of Colon Cancer

Treatment Options for Different Stages of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is cancer that originates in the colon. Treatment procedures for the main stages of colon cancer will depend on the precise location of cancer, the stage at which the cancer is in, and the overall health conditions and concerns of the patient. The usual treatment is surgery, but chemotherapy and radiation are also often recommended post-cancer to further eradicate any remaining cancerous cells. Different treatments for the main stages of colon cancer include the following: 1. Early stage colon cancer When you have been detected with early-stage colon cancer the tumor is typically small in size and the doctor could recommend a minimally-invasive procedure for surgery. 2. Localized colon cancer When cancer is localized, polypectomy may be done to remove polyps during a colonoscopy. This is the best method for treating a small and localized tumor inside a polyp because it can be removed almost totally. Large polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy where special tools are used for the removal and the method is called endoscopic mucosal resection.Laparoscopic surgery is minimally-invasive and perfect for polyps that cannot be taken out through a colonoscopy. In this, the surgeon will do the operation by making small incisions in the abdominal wall and placing instruments having cameras to display the colon through a video monitor.
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Things to Avoid for Heartburn Prevention

Things to Avoid for Heartburn Prevention

Acid reflux, or heartburn, can be caused by various reasons, both physiological and lifestyle. One way of seeking relief from this condition is by changing those factors in our lifestyle that cause acid reflux. Some of the more common causes of acid reflux that can be addressed naturally, without resorting to medication. Here are a few easy lifestyle and dietary changes to make to prevent heartburn and acid reflux: 1. Do not overeat One of the most common causes of acid reflux is overeating. The esophageal sphincter is supposed to be closed and opens only when you eat, burp, or vomit. If you overeat, an already weakened esophageal sphincter will open, unable to handle the pressure of too much food in the stomach. Acid reflux and heartburn are most commonly felt right after a heavy meal. 2. Maintain a normal BMI If one is obese and has too much fat around the abdomen, there is more pressure on the esophageal sphincter, thus causing it to move constantly allowing the acid to be released. Even pregnant women are affected by acid reflux, precisely because of the pressure on the abdomen. Those who are obese have to resort to measures that will help them lose abdominal fat and overall weight.
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Symptoms and Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer

Symptoms and Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer

Cancer that begins in the kidney and later spreads to nearby organs is called kidney or renal cancer. Kidneys are small organs that measure the size of a fist and are located behind the abdominal organs, one on each side of the spine. They play a vital role in purifying our system by clearing out waste from the blood. In this condition, cancer cells are initially formed in the tubules of the kidney, then to all parts of it, and later to nearby organs. There are several symptoms and risk factors associated with kidney cancer and on the basis of these, its stage is determined and treatment is decided upon. 1. Symptoms of kidney cancer The symptoms of kidney cancer do not show up in the early stages in many individuals till the tumor grows in size and the cells begin to metastasize further. If symptoms are ignored at early stages it can lead to complications in the treatment for kidney cancer. Some of the common symptoms of the condition are: Anemia Feeling tired all the time Prolonged fever that can last for several weeks along with flu and other infections. Loss of appetite and the feeling of having a heavy and full stomach all the time Blood in the urine Swelling and feeling of lumps on one or both the sides of the abdomen.
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Natural Gum Care for Better Oral Health

Natural Gum Care for Better Oral Health

Some people think that because they have no cavities in their teeth, they have immaculate oral health. However, it is wrong to assume that just because you have sparkling white teeth you are immune to gum problems. The worrisome fact is that most gum problems are initially painless and people have no clue that something is wrong. These issues can gradually lead to visible issues in the teeth and may be harder and more expensive to treat. Gum diseases typically start when the plaque starts to build up along gum lines. The plaque is nothing but a sticky bacteria-filled substance that causes many infections, hurting the bones and gums and leading ultimately to tooth decay. As gingivitis develops, your gums will become red and swollen, tender, and prone to bleeding. Periodontitis is an advanced gum disease that affects the bones responsible for holding the teeth in place and if this is not treated in time, it will end up ruining your bones, gums, and tissues around the teeth. There are plenty of gum care tips that will help you in your quest for better oral health. In addition to medications, most of these tips also include natural remedies to ensure your gums are in peak condition.
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Leukemia: Types and Symptoms

Leukemia: Types and Symptoms

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues, which grow in the lymphatic system and bone marrow. The condition affects the growth of white blood cells that play an important role in fighting against infection-causing bacteria. In a healthy person, these cells tend to divide and grow at a normal rate to protect the body; however, in leukemia patients, the white blood cells grow dramatically with the help of a special protein called M proteins. These abnormal white blood cells restrict the growth of healthy cells and cause serious health disorders. The treatment for the disease is complicated and it depends on the symptoms of different types of leukemia. It can occur in individuals of any age and is divided into 4 main types, which are as follows: 1. Chronic and acute leukemia In this type, white blood cells multiply at an abnormal rate and accumulate in the blood and bone marrow. It then crowds out the healthy cells in the bone marrow and slowly prevents the tissue from functioning properly. The process does not show any signs or symptoms until it overpowers healthy cells. 2. Lymphocytic and myelogenous leukemias Lymphocytic leukemia occurs when the white blood cells or the bone marrow called the lymphocytes are overpowered by the cancerous cells.
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Important Things To Know About Thyroid Disease

Important Things To Know About Thyroid Disease

The nature of your metabolism and your body’s ability to breakdown food and derive energy from digested food follow a specific procedure. It’s all related to your thyroid gland located in front of the windpipe and just below the Adam’s apple. Apart from regulating your body’s metabolic rate, the thyroid gland is also responsible for regulating: The heart The digestive system Brain development Muscle control Your mood Bone maintenance Its functioning depends on the amount of iodine supplied by your diet. Your thyroid gland also plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy weight. When it comes to the types of thyroid disease, here are some common ones: Thyroid nodules In the study of thyroid disease and its causes, symptoms, and types, thyroid nodules are lumps that can be solitary or in groups. This condition is very common, and is usually harmless. Thyroid nodules don’t necessarily cause any symptoms but there is a chance of developing hyperthyroidism. A doctor will examine the person’s neck to check for hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. There is a very little chance of thyroid nodule being cancerous, however, most are not. Your doctor will perform a fine needle aspiration biopsy to determine if the lump is cancerous.
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